Tag: Delegates

  • Why the Yield return is Important!

    You should always use yield when possible especially between layers, actually if it wasn’t for yield many features would be really hard to implement nowadays. Consider the following piece of code: Looks so simple and straight forward, isn’t it? We iterate over 5 digits add them to a list and return them… So straight forward……

  • Evolution Of Delegates Part 2

         So i assume you have read Evolution Of Delegates Part 1, any way lets start off by explaining anonymous delegate    Anonymous Delegates         Anonymous delegates the ability to declare a delegate and the method it points to inline without the need to declare the method separately, well that sound awesome but sure it has  its advantages and disadvantages,…

  • Evolution Of Delegates Part 1

    What is delegate any way? remember the topic called pointer to function in C/C++ you used to hate? well it’s back again !, but this time Microsoft made a good job making this easier and more safe and secure. back in dark ages function pointers used to be defined as variable which points to address…

  • Path 2 Expression Trees

    In the beginning! It all started with LINQ2SQL and the need for making a good Web Application Architecture, making loosely coupled layers and separating concerns, the fact that we need to transfer lambda expressions between layers to support fully function interfaces for search made me start thinking about how LINQ2SQL really works, to be honest i never thought…